Monday, April 16, 2012

Art Deco in Furniture, Clothing, and Posters

Raybands and symmetry.

(I think this is contemporary.) Gradient and san serif font.

Speed, streamline, and glamor. 

Geometrical shapes.

Pastel colors.

Glamor and luxury.

Boulder on the Park

Symmetry and elongated vertical lines. 

Interesting font.

1850 South Boulder

It was built in 1923. "Charles A. Sanderson and Roy Wesley Sanderson originally constructed this building for Holland Hall School. Waite Phillips, W.G. Skelly and George S. Bole, along with several others, backed the project financially. The building was originally constructed with 9 classrooms, a shop, gymnasium, assembly auditorium, offices, and a chemical laboratory."

Casa Loma Hotel

ROOM 205

Glamor and luxury.

Luxury and glamor.

Geometrical shapes and symmetry.

Geometrical shapes, luxury, and glamor.

Bright colors, geometrical shapes, and symmetry.

Geometrical shapes.

Aerodynamic and geometric detail that was in every corner of the room.

2626-2648 East 11th Street

Now known as the Campbell Hotel, the Casa Loma Hotel was built in 1927.

Oklahoma Natural Gas Building

The use of metal

Geometrical shapes. 

624 South Boston Avenue

It was built in 1928.

Mayo Motor Inn


San serif font on the sign.

Parallel, streamlined accents on the top of the sign.

416 South Cheyenne Avenue

It was designed by Leon B. Senter & Associates, and was built in 1950.

Boston Avenue Methodist Church

Original building was symmetrical, but the two sides were not identical. 
Elongated vertical shapes and lines. 
There are raybands above the heads of the top statues. 

Parallel lines.


Parallel lines.


1301 S Boston Avenue

It was built in 1929. "The Boston Avenue Methodist Church was hailed as the country’s first church designed in a strictly American style of architecture."

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Tulsa Union Depot

Symmetrical layout.

San serif font.

Rayband-like detail.

Geometric shapes.

3 South Boston Avenue

It was designed by R. C. Stephens and was built in 1931. 

Tulsa Club Building


Detailed parallel lines run down the length of the building.

115 East 5th Street

The eleven-story building was designed by Bruce Goff and built in 1927, "through the joint effort of the Tulsa Chamber of Commerce and the Tulsa Club. The first five floors of the building were occupied by the Chamber and other business organizations while the top six floors and the roof garden were inhabited by the Tulsa Club. The Tulsa Club contained dormitory rooms on the sixth floor and a men’s lounge on the eighth floor. The club also had a gymnasium and barber shop. The club’s interior had Art Deco ornamentation including fireplace tiles. Built of Bedford stone, the original 5th Street entrance was designed with abstract detailing above the doorway."

This building now stands empty and most likely condemned due to asbestos. It is too expensive to renovate and certain regulations keep it from being demolished. 

Warehouse Market Building

Symmetrical layout.

Lots of bright colors and pastels.

Bright colors, the use of metal, and Egyptian zigzags.

Parallel lines and criss-crossing zigzags. 

925 South Elgin Avenue

It was built in 1929. 

It is symmetrical, with one tower that has very colorful decoration. 

Adah Robinson Residence

Elongated vertical shapes.

1119 South Owasso Avenue

It was designed by teacher and designer Adah Robinson (with the help of Bruce Goff and Joseph Koberling) and built 1927-1929.

It has leaded glass windows and the outside is stucco.

Fire Alarm Building

Symmetrical layout.

Sunbursts behind the figure.

Speed lines.

1010 East 8th Street

It was designed by Frederick V. Kershner and built in 1934.

Milady's Cleaners Building

Symmetrical layout.

Egyptian zigzag and symmetry.

1736-38 East 11th Street

It was built in 1930. 

Tulsa Monument Company Building

Symmetrical layout.

Parallel lines and geometrical shapes.

Elongated vertical shapes.

Parallel lines.

1735 East 11th Street

It was designed by Harry H. Mahler and built in 1936. It was made to simulate the appearance of a monument.